About Mens Sana Monographs
The Mens Sana Monographs, in short MSM, is an open-access peer-reviewed medical journal-cum- monographic series. It is ‘Devoted to the Understanding of Medicine, Mental Health, Mind, Man and their Matrix’. Published by the Mens Sana Research Foundation and Medknow Publications, it attempts to give in-depth understanding of Psychiatric/Bioethical/Psychological/Philosophical consequences of biomedicine, mental health, brain-mind studies, social disorders/issues and current events. It does so through Analysis and Opinion articles and Monographs, based on evidence and research studies. Monographs are to be followed by enlightened discussion on the issues raised by interested readers/scholars. Most MSM issues also have a MSM Book Review and MSM Poems section. Besides full-length papers and editorials, it also has sections called Musings, Reflections, The Looking Glass, and Journalology.
The Mens Sana Monographs are meant to forward resolute foundational enquiry into all issues dealing with man and society with focus on mental health and medicine but not restricted to them. Issues dealing with health, science, philosophy, religion, culture, and their inter-relationship are also the concern of MSM.
The Monographs provide a wide platform for serious discussion by psychiatrists, other medical scientists and clinicians, social scientists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, bioethicists, and other thinkers interested in exploring biomedical and social issues with scientific rigour.
The middle path, comprehensivity, evidence and eclecticism are the four main pillars of MSM.
Mens Sana Monographs started publication in May 2003 and were published bimonthly in that year, followed by combined bimonthly issues from 2004-2006. From Jan. 2007, MSM is published annually.
MSM Editors are Ajai R. Singh MD and Shakuntala A. Singh PhD. It has an Honorary International Editorial Advisory Board comprising of select eminent personalities from all over the world in the fields of medicine, humanities and medical journal editing. It also has a Peer Review Board.
MSM is an open access peer reviewed journal [ISSN 0973-1229; eISSN 1994-4014] whose every volume is also published as a book, with a separate ISBN number. All its articles are full text free access at www.msmonographs.org. It has an international scope of authorship and readership.
MSM is a not for profit venture. Its firm commitment is to quality and dissemination of knowledge. It believes in justice and fair play, and being author-friendly. It has no private agenda to fulfil, and firmly believes in forwarding biomedical advance, research integrity, and human/social advancement, and especially protecting the integrity of the scientific record. It encourages deeper understanding of health, health policy, ethics, human life and human rights. It forwards critical, original thinking in all aspects of biomedicine and related issues in the social sciences and the humanities. It accepts the URM of ICMJE, especially as related to editorial policies, peer review, informed consent, conflict of interest, and human and animal experimentation.